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Competence Center on Gaming & Entertainment


The Competence Center addresses gaming & entertainment scientifically. We do not look at the enormous range of games and entertainment as something problematic but as a human trait that can be found throughout mankind. We see opportunities and challenges. The University of St.Gallen stands for academic excellence as well as practical relevance. We like to look at phenomena in interdisciplinary ways and enjoy using interdisciplinary resources. We often deal with legal and regulatory matters. Yet, regulation should in our view be shaped by other scientific disciplines. We compose knowhow and transfer it through publications, events and media inquiries. We want to substantially contribute to a scientifically based discussion.


Florian Furger

B.A. HSG, Research assistant


The Competence Center pursues important fundamental research. It can also serve as credible partner for tailor-made and independent ordered research. We apply a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective. Research themes vary and reach from terrestrial forms of games to complex technology aspects.
Jointly with our colleagues we can address issues relating to regulation, player motivation, problematic gaming, economic impact, product development, gamification and marketing.


The Competence Center enjoys rich expertise in relation to regulating the game and other aspects regarding entertainment. We advise regulators, authorities, and decision makers both public and private.



The Competence Center wants to offer a neutral and academic forum for all stakeholders – public and private – which enriches the public discourse. Scientific knowhow shall be disseminated to the broader public, authorities and media. Scientific knowhow shall facilitate and enable notably ‘smart regulation’. The academic setting shall enhance an evidence-informed and credible exchange between stakeholders. The Competence Center is available to share its expertise with the media.


Our research themes are reflected in various courses at our university. We can offer tailor-made educational and training programs.